Walked to the school on bare-feet
One day when I was in grade five, I was heading to the school on bare feet. On the way to school, a deep pit had been dug in the ground to lay the foundation for the school building construction. I had to walk along the sideway of the wide pit to get into the classroom. As I was walking on the sideway of the pit, unfortunately, a tiny-sharp stone pierced into my right foot. By the time I managed myself, I fell into the deep pit and was hit by a big sharp stone on my left leg just below my left knee which made a deep wound on my left leg. Still, that big scar is visible on my left leg.

As a result, I had to stay at home for a month and a half until I got recovered. I could have avoided that accident if I had got slippers or shoes in those days. But because of our poor family situation, I was not able to buy and wear slippers or shoes to school for many days. My dream was to wear shoes in those days, but due to my family’s poor economic condition, I couldn’t get shoes during my school days. I had been using the rubber slippers for years during my high school even until I graduated in twelfth grade. Whenever the rubber slippers were damaged I fixed them by myself by tying them with needle threads and re-used them for several months.